
Car Recycling near Revere MA

Has your vehicle reached the end of its usable life? If your car is no longer pliable on the road, you may want to opt for car recycling near Revere MA. Whether your vehicle has been standstill due to old age or a failed engine or accident, recycling may be a good option. At JUNKAR NINJA, we believe in taking steps to save the environment. Car recycling is one of the steps you could take toward environmental sustainability.

Need for Car Recycling Near Revere MA

  • If your vehicle is at the end of life stage, you should get rid of it.
  • If it is emitting dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, you should waste no time to bid it good-bye.
  • If your car has been badly wrecked in an accident and the cost of salvaging it is not worth spending on an old vehicle, go for car recycling near Revere MA.
  • If a vehicle has stopped working, it can be used for spare parts.

Recycling a vehicle is about dismantling it for spare parts. However, the process of breaking down a vehicle is the job of specialists and you cannot trust anyone for dismantling your clunker. The reason is that there are different parts in a vehicle, including hazardous material that must be removed.

It is here that specialists can step in. JUNKAR NINJA prides itself on its team of car recycling experts who can safely scrap your end-of-the-stage vehicle in an environmentally friendly manner.

The Car Recycling Process

When a vehicle is ready for scrapping, it is transferred to an Authorized Treatment Facility. Scrapping cars is not a new task for us at JUNKAR NINJA. Given the huge impact that vehicle scrapping has on landfill sites, car recycling near Revere MA is a safer step toward environmental sustainability.

Depollution or draining fluid

Depollution is critical to the removal of harmful elements that can cause serious damage to the environment. Recyclers start the engine to detect any leaks. They will drain the fluid, including brake fluid, transmission fluid, coolants, motor oil, windscreen wash and antifreeze. The fluids are disposed of safely to protect the environment as well as living being.

If these hazardous substances entered the food chain, they could result in serious health problems.

After depollution, the parts are passed on to specialists for breaking them down for repurpose basis. For example, car batteries are sold as spare parts. Besides, they are disassembled for different components, such as lead, distilled water, plastic, silver, and acid.

The acid is neutralized and water purified for safe disposal. Metals are melt for repurposing. But this is the work of licensed specialists. JUNKAR NINJA has a broad network of such experts.

For car recycling near Revere MA, a vehicle passes through a depollution process to drain of hazardous fluids.

Once the fluids are drained, the chambers are flushed to purge them completely, ensuring there are no residue remnants.

Car Recycling near Revere MA

The importance of car scrapping and recycling cannot be stressed enough to save the environment.

Landfill sites are a hotbed of illnesses. They require a lot of space on the land. They are major cause of soil, water, and air pollution. There is a danger of potentially explosive gases emitting from the landfills.

Lifting the engine before car recycling near Revere MA

After the fluids are drained of, vehicle experts remove the remaining hazardous materials from the vehicle. Air bag propellants are one of them. Radiators, batteries, and tires are removed.

Crushing and shredding

After the removal of all reusable items from the vehicle, it is crushed at a metal recycling facility, where the parts are recycled to be used in new cars or other vehicles. Recycling helps breathe new life into old parts that can be used to make a vehicle functional.

How To Contribute to The Environment

Over 25 million tons of car scrap is recycled each year. This includes almost 90 percent of aluminum on a recycled car. You may be surprised to find that when you opt for car recycling near Revere MA, you are contributing to the scrap processing industry. The reason is that one-third of iron and steel scrap goes to the scrap industry that processes it.

The steel industry saves a lot of energy through recycling. This energy is used to annually supply power to 18 million households.

By going for car recycling near Revere MA, you are taking a step toward removing hazardous waste from your vehicle and ensuring its safe disposal. The goal is to protect the environment.

JUNKAR NINJA takes pride in being an environmentally friendly company that focuses on removing toxic automotive waste and giving it a safe disposal. Our goal is to ensure these pollutants do not harm the environment so we pledge to find you the best car recycling near Revere MA company.

Vehicle recycling can impact your life and that of others around you. It can have a positive influence on the environment too. So when it comes to car recycling near Revere MA, you can trust JUNKAR NINJA and connect with us at (781)-905-8448.

Car Recycling near Revere MA

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